Rosco 产品的工具和信息中心
DMG MIX 2.0 Launch Packet
Case Study: Projected Gobos Showcase “Photosynthesis” At San Francisco’s Conservatory Of Flowers
Case Study: Rosco SoftDrop® Helps Create An Affluent Dystopia In The Handmaid’s Tale
Case Study: Five Reasons To Add DMG Lumière SWITCH LED Lights To Your Kit
Case Study: Cedar Point Ratchets Up The Thrills With Rosco Fog Effects
Image Spot Mini 5500K 25° Lens IES file
Image Spot Mini 3000K 25° Lens IES file
Image Spot Mini 5500K 17° Lens IES file
Image Spot Mini 3000K 17° Lens IES file
Image Spot Mini 5500K 11° Lens IES file
Image Spot Mini 3000K 11° Lens IES file
Rosco Custom LitePad HO 95 IES File - 4100K 36x36 IES File
Rosco Custom LitePad HO 95 IES File - 4100K 24x24 IES File
Rosco Custom LitePad HO 95 IES File - 4100K 12x12 IES File
OPTI-SCULPT Embedded ID Number Key Chart
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