Resource Center

Resource Center

A central hub of information about all Rosco products

Case Study: Silver Ain’t Steel - But It Can Be! How To Paint A Faux Steel Effect

X-Effects® LED Projector CE Declaration of Conformity

Pica Cube™ CE Declaration of Conformity

LitePad Vector® CE Declaration of Conformity (Discontinued)

Miro Cube®, Braq Cube® CE Declaration of Conformity

Class 2 LED Power Supply Data Sheet

Roscoflamex DF Flame Retardant Certificate (FDNY)

Roscoflamex NF Flame Retardant Certificate (FDNY)

Roscoflamex PC Flame Retardant Certificate (FDNY)

Roscoflamex SF Flame Retardant Certificate (FDNY)

Roscoflamex WD Flame Retardant Certificate (FDNY)

Image Spot UV Specification Language

Image Spot UV Data Sheet

Image Spot CE Declaration of Conformity

Image Spot Lens Cover Installation Guide