Scenic Resource Gallery


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Scenic Resource Gallery


I sharpied the image directly on the plexi glass. I then used Crstyal Gel to get the base of my texture and mixed paint with Flexbond to get the coloring right.

Scenic Resource Gallery


1. Drawn on brown paper
2. Pounced onto canvas
3. Inked
4. Lay down texture with Rosco Crystal Gel
5. Add color with Rosco Super Sats.
6. Used Rosco Crystal Gel tinted with Tough Prime to create the stained glass leading

Scenic Resource Gallery


This is a bloody angel from the tabletop game Warhammer 40k. The actual size of this model is about 2 inches tall I made a life size version. I want to thank Rosco for coming out with this product so that I can make this cost too much better than without it!

Scenic Resource Gallery


The grass and dirt were created by spraying tinted Jaxsan over carved foam then adhering on tinted sawdust with Flexbond and Crystal Gel. From there we used more Crystel Gel to secure bits of craft moss and tinted cork. The grass had to be able to be walked upon as well as travel to another theatre after our run.

The exterior walls were created by using a wash of Raw Umber to dirty the wood planks initially and then using a layer Elmer's glue underneath scenic paint to create the cracks. The whole unit was then distressed with "dirt" washes.

Scenic Resource Gallery


This image was cartooned a piece of butcher paper, and then hung behind the scrim. The paper was then used as a shadow stencil, and the red and blue was blocked in. Then numerous grey washed were used to create the depth of the statue.

Scenic Resource Gallery


This image was projected onto the muslin and lined in with black velour. Layers of off-broadway washes were used to shadow in the image without blocking the translucency. Lines were then redrawn for the final product with more velour.

Scenic Resource Gallery


Image was sketches and then pounced onto butcher paper. The pounced images was chalked onto the velvet and then outlined with super sat white. Layers of super sat were used to build up the white under painting (shown), and then colored in with layers of off-broadway. Edges where cleaned up with black velour.

Scenic Resource Gallery


Image was sketches and then pounced onto butcher paper. The pounced images was chalked onto the velvet and then outlined with super sat white. Layers of super sat were used to build up the white under painting (shown), and then colored in with layers of off-broadway. Edges where cleaned up with black velour.

Scenic Resource Gallery


"Metallurgy" was a brand new choreographed pieced by Susan Jaffe. The drop designed by Joe Tilford was painted on scrim in order to transluce. The drop itself is designed to resemble a dark polluted sky. Working with the paint charge, Reilly Miller, the process was as follows.

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