Color Resource Gallery


Production Photos: RENT, Western Michigan University Shaw Theatre. Directed by Jay Berkow, Lighting Design by Caitlin Eby. Rosco colors used: Rx347, Rx80, Rx27, Rx85, Rx304 Rx362, Rx55.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


This is from the Cultural Arts Playhouses production of Company! I used the Rosco triangle breakup (77879) in 2 high sides in conjunction with R80 downlight to create flickers of light entering into a city apartment at night.

Lighting Design: Scott Smith (15 years old!)

Directed by: Tony Frangipane

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


I recently did a production of "Music from the Lion King." It was presented by the Canfield High School Choir Department. Kelly Scurich served as the Director and the Music Director, Matt Stevens served as Lighting Designer, and Jeff Mentzer was Sound Designer. It was held in the Canfield High School Auditorium. I chose to use R19 to create an "evil" effect for the scenes with Scar and the Hyenas (see first picture). I also chose R20 to create a morning sunrise for "The Circle of Life" number (see second picture).

Matt Stevens

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


In Park City Productions presentation of Rented Christmas I used Roscolux 22 to create the feel of a family setting around a fire telling a story. R42 and R57 was used to add a feel of a setting sun. The Front light was R05. The Cyc was R80.
Lighting Design by Samuel Mollner, Set Design by Peter Mayhew, Directed by Paul Tan. Egyptian Theatre Park City Utah. Dec. 2011

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


For the show Your a good man charlie brown the LD was doug, the colors r69 brilliant blue, r16 light amber, r26 light red and r86 pea green are some of the rosco colors used in the production.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


Rosco R63 Pale Blue is used in addition to a basic wash to provide a subconscious cold feeling during this production of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. This is juxtaposed by doing the same thing during the warm scenes, instead using R16 Light Amber to provide this subconscious feel. I chose these two colors because they work well on the same color palette together, and they were what I desired to provide even the most slight subconscious feel. The director had wanted the light to shape the mood, and this is what I did.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


Gym Class Heroes
Lighting Designer - Kevin Semagin
Associate Lighting Designer/Programmer - Kirk J Miller
Producing Company - Concerts Unlimited
Rosco Colors Used - R39, R80, R58, R26, R94, R12, R99

Colors Used:

Scenic Resource Gallery


For this University Production of South Pacific, I was in charge of painting props for the show. The image provided is a final production photo of the "I'm Gonna Wash that Man right out of my Hair" Scene. Every piece of this shower was applied a base coat - then a broom brushed gray was applied over to give it a wear and tear aspect.

Scenic Resource Gallery


The stone part of the scenery was a sheet of masonite so I had to layer multiple shades starting from the darkest in order to create texture on such a smooth surface. I blended some areas more than others and scumbled the rest to avoid any patterns. For the foliage I based it with a mixture of Orange and Raw Umber, once dried I scumbled on yellow ochre, lemon yellow, bright red, and more of the base colors to give it texture without looking uniformed.

Scenic Resource Gallery


First step was to marking the details onto the pre made wooden scenery flats
Next we had to make sure all the lines matched up once all the flats were connected together
Then we mixed a large pot of white with supersaturated blue to paint the majority of the back drop then we moved onto the more intricate bits

The production was a 1950s / 1960s dinner and the production consisted of a story told thought the songs of that time period

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