Color Resource Gallery


1. From CPCC Production of "Cat on a hot tin roof."- 2009
Front/side Lighting R-60
Background R-65 (on the set.
W/Rosco Forrest gobo. )
R-339 (on the trees)
R-47 (on Cyc)

2. From CPCC Production of "A funny thing happened on the way to the Forum"- 2009

Front Lighting R-316 (on Psyudolis
w/ Rosco Sun Gobo.)

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


This was a production of Carnival at Wichita State University. Lighting designer: Lisa Hendrix
This rosco colors I used were R01, R03, R67, R358, R17, R64, R124, and R357

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


The Maids by Jean Genet
Produced by The Gonzo Group Theater
Directed by Jennifer Harrington
Pictured Luke Weber as Solange (photo 1)
Pictured Michael Ooms as Madame (photo 2)
Lighting Design by Rob Jensen
Set Design by Jennifer Harrington
Costume Design by Jennifer Harrington

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


Bus Stop by William Inge
Directed by Douglas Gilpin
Scenic Design by Douglas Gilpin
Costume Design by William Henshaw
Lighting Design by Jeff Bailey
Performed at Studio Theatre at Henderson State University, Arkadelphia Arkansas
Gels used... R18 Flame, R33 No color Pink, R60 No Color Blue, R59 Indigo, R67 Light Sky BLue, R21 Golden Amber.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


An Experiment with an Air Pump by Shelagh Stevenson
University of Waterloo Drama Department - March 2011
Set: Scott Penner
Costumes: Jocelyne Sobeski
Lights: Scott Spidell

R99 for a bit of warm sepia
R51 for some warm colour

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


"Sweeney Todd", Salina Community Theatre, February 2009, Lighting Design by JR Lidgett. Used Rosco 68 (Sky Blue) and Rosco 89 (Moss Green)with Gobos to create the eerie mood for the Fogg's Asylum scene.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


Into the Woods
UC Irvine - The Claire Trevor Theater
Dir: Eli Simon
Scenic: Sheryl Liu
Costumes: Melody Brocious
Sound: Noelle Hoffman

R02, R05, R09, R321, R325, R27, R36, R49, R53, R54, R55, R56, R57, R58, R59, R60, R360, R64, R68, R74, R78, R378, R83, R90, R91, R132

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


There are only a few colors I've consistently come back to through 20 years of dance lighting design, covering 50+ full-length concerts and literally hundreds of individual pieces. One of those is the immensely flexible R99. This color is often poo-poo'd as a beginner's choice or a novelty color in Rosco's lineup, but I say it's one of the most expressive and useful colors in the library.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


Dance 2010 University of Florida, Constans Theatre
Piece: Moonlight Sonata by Shapiro and Smith
Lighting Design: Scott Laurentz

Rosco Gel used in the production

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


This shot from Manoa Valley Theatre's production of M. Butterfly shows us the key scene of Butterfly transforming her/himself.
The blue toplight is R79 - one of my favorite blues!

Show: M. Butterfly
Produced By: Manoa Valley Theatre, Hawaii
Director: Lyn Ackerman
Set Designer: Jim Davenport
Lighting Designer: Janine Myers

Colors Used:

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