Color Resource Gallery


Show: Striking 12 by Groove Lily
@Wayside Theatre - Middletown, VA
Lighting: Wes Calkin (me)
Set: Til Turner
Costumes: Tamara Carruthers
Director: Warner Crocker

R78221 from corners, N/C
77561 from rear, N/C

R318 from SL
R76 from SR
From the top is Lee 132HT I think...whoops.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


These are photos from the "Hope Restored" tour that Big Daddy Weave headlined, with Aaron Shust. I rarely get excited about front light colors, but a theatre guy in Canada turned me onto Rosco 351 (Lavender Mist) as a front light color, and I've used it ever since. It cools things a bit, pulls out some of those muddy browns you can get with ungelled conventionals. At the same time, it doesn't give you that "cold" look that you can sometimes get with a standard CTB filter. It's perfect for what I do.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


4.48 Psychosis, by Sarah Kane
Viterbo University Theatre, Feb 3-5, 2011
Directed by David Gardiner
Choreographed by Nikki Balsamo
Lighting Design: Joe Holdman
Scenic Design: Joe Holdman
Costume Design: Rachel Wahl

Rosco colors used: R3204, R08, R317, R21, R26, R34, R47, R60, R362, R67, R70, R73, R79, R388, R92, R99, R119

Rosco Gobos Used: "Squares"

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


Creative Lighting Solutions used the following Gels for the backlighting to create more of a 3-Dimensional look for the video production at Lehigh Baptist Church in Lehigh, Florida. We combined the Rosco #65 Daylight Blue along with the Rosco #101 Light Frost. The combination blended created a nice even backlight and is not blinding to the congregation. We also used the Rosco #3408 on some of the front ellipsoidals and source four fixtures to help soften the front lighting.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


For this particular scene, we needed to create a brilliant white cyclorama - as blinding as a snowstorm. Unfortunately, being in a New York City black box, the grid was all of 11'-0" high, and I had only 18" of depth in which to hang instruments to light this drop. Additionally, the drop had to be lit right to the floor, which meant no groundrow. 6' Ministrips from above were the only option.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


This is from a workshop production of Trojan Women. The colors used are pretty heavy. The cyc was lit with R25 as well as the high side light. The front light is a R02 at a very low intensity. Then I added in a pattern at a very low angle to give the feel of the flames. For that I used R14. I was trying to keep it very deep and sad. I like the deep colors on the faces which actually make the actors sort of glow. Thanks for looking!

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


The show is The Wizard of Oz preformed by Trinity Episcopal School
Lighting design by: Tom Brady (aka Anvilx)

R05 (a favorite of mine) I used it for the front light [which i suppose became back lights in this pic] because I think it helps the actors seem like warm "living" beings.

R121 I used this as a wash in the scene in which the wicked witch has a bucket of water thrown on her and melts. I choose this color because it conveyed the dramatic rising tension of the scene

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


Show Title: The Phantom Limb
Company: Haverty Marionettes
Date: March 2009
Scenic Designer: Roy Howington
Costume Designer: Katherine Callahan
Photographer: Stephanie Richardson
Colors used: R357, R99, and R54

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


Fresh Annointing International Church - Montgomery AL
Colors Used - R80 on Cyc. R43 on Columns.

I have additional photos; i am sending this one as it was the cover for our Catalog in 2009.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


As both general director and technical director of Pasco School District performing arts center, I designed a house plot to cover most of the events we host from dramas, to meetings, to fine arts showcases, and regular professional tours. With student employee, Cindy Lewnes, as co-designer of the pictured dance showcase directed by River Ridge dance teacher, Lynn Vairo, we used both high and low side lighting with three color stage washes and lavender back lighting to achieve as many unique looks as possible for a twenty-five number showcase featuring dance, drama, and band numbers.

Colors Used:

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