Color Resource Gallery


Rosco colors were critical to the feel of "12: A Performance Piece for Twelve Actors." The Show, stark, industrial, and desolate, needed light and texture to render the very minimal set visually engaging. R3202, and R60 were used to clean up the color temperature of PAR64s and 6" Altman 750w fresnels.

R3315 was used in footlights to develop a "something is not so right" feel. This super-pale green reads as a very subtle effect.

R08 proved contrast to the stark set and environment for performer lighting and subtle skin-tone blending.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


For this production of Stage Door, I decided to use my old favorites of R02 and R60 for my general wash, with my afternoon wash created using R318, one of my favorite Rosco colors. I also used R27 through the window SL to create the feel of a neon sign at night. Lighting design and photographs by myself, Joe Watrach. Master Electrician: Justine Burke

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


From the Theatre School at DePaul University's recent production of Federico García Lorca's "Blood Wedding". (Photo by Jillian Rothman)

Directed by Reshmi Hazra

Assistant Director - Devon Doherty
Stage Manager - Emily Hitmar
Asst. Stage Manager - Katrina Dion

Sound Design by Jenna Moran
Lighting Design by Ellie Humphrys
Lighting Design Assistant - Eric Peterson
Scenic Design by Jillian Rothman
Costume Design by Cara Adams

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


Giselle - Cincinnati Ballet, Cincinnati, Ohio
Victoria Morgan, Executive Artistic Director
Devon Carney, Choreography (after Petipa)
Trad A Burns, Lighting Designer

R83 - Back Light
R61 - High Cross Template using R77107 Pine Branches
R78 - 10' High Boom Side (Par 64 NSP)
R367 - Head/Low Side
R60 - Mid Template using R 77774 Blossoms
R3204 - Shin

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


Medea - Univerity of Alabama (Spring 2008)
Director - Marian Montavani
Scenery - Andy Fitch
Costumes - Emma Cullimore
Lighting - Jared Canada
Photo - Porfirio Solorzano


The director wanted a frozen feeling on the statues with contrasting colors on the lycra panels as the hands start to come through. Fresnels shooting through the expanded steel of the catwalk produce a gobo effect. This is my favorite shot from this production.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


The photos are from Wartburg College's Neumann Auditorium. The show is "Battle of the Unsigned Artists." The lighting design is my own. Photos may be blurry because they were taken from a camera phone.
The colors used are:

The idea behind the colors chosen was to give the light op the most possible play while still blending and highlighting when needed.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


Christmas with Wartburg is a holiday concert with over 300 performers. It tours throughout Iowa at the beginning of December. I have been the lighting designer since 2005. This is the 2009 performance, one of my favorites. The white fabric across the proscenium represent angels wings. I used consumer LED lights of blue and white to light this. The front light is a R02 wash or a R119 wash depending on the effect wanted in each number. The orchestral shells are along the back and sides.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


Rosco Colors used. R77 and R03 on the window wall
R55 on actors
R83 on the deck with a smattering of templated R88

Kennesaw State University
Department of Theatre, Performance Studies and Dance
Photo by Robert Pack (WideScreen Video Productions)
Director: Melanie Long
Lighting: Ben Tilley
Scenery: Jamie Bullins
Clothes: Erin Dedrickson

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


Totem Pole Playhouse production of:

It Could Be Any One of Us
Written by: Alan Ayckborn
Directed by: Carl Schurr
Scenery by: James Fouchard
Lighting by: Michael Domue
Sound by: Stowe Nelson
Costumes by: Samantha Schroer

Front Light: R305, R38, R365
Top Light: R82
Cyc Colors: R39, R59, R125

Fire Effect used 2 Rosco Double Gobo Rotators
fire colors used custom built "frankenstein" colors using a variety of Rosco colors.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


R99 high sides, with a R16 angle wash, downwash was R360, front light R53, backlight R355.
Show: In Arabia We'd All Be Kings
Director: Shannnon Ferrente
Lighting Designer: Nicholas Saiki
Scenic Designer: Glenn Barker
Sound Design: Sinan Zafar
UC Irvine Little Theater June 2011

Colors Used:

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