Color Resource Gallery


Cosi Fane Tutti
Opera Providence
June 2011
LD: Dean P. Palmer, Jr

I NEEDED R40 for my "sunset" sidelight(Subtle in this picture). The gel from "Another Company" was not rich enough to convey the afternoon/evening look that I was going for in this show. I also used it as a Back-light color to punch through my NC front light in those dramatic Sunset scenes.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


Photo credits
April 14, 1912 - Theatre Rusticle
Director - Allyson McMackon
Performer Pictured - Lucy Rupert
Set and Ship Designer - Lindsay Anne Black
Lighting Designer - Michelle Ramsay
Photographer - Michelle Ramsay

Rosco Colours used - R71, R76, R77
Gobo - R77732

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


For Ludo Mlado's Bulgarian folk dance show, "The Spirit of Bulgaria," at Boston University's FitRec Dance Theatre, I used R53 and R50 to realize the design goals established by the choreographer, Peter, and myself. For this piece, Peter wanted his drummer to be isolated and well-lit. I wanted to achieve this in a manner that allowed the drummer to be visible, as Peter desired, but also to be lit very dramatically, in a way that complimented his powerful drumming. To do this, I used R50 in my mids to shroud his form in a powerful red hue.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


These were from Carnegie Mellon's 2011 production of Still Life with Iris.
Production Credits:
Director: Margaret Bridges
Lighting Designer: Michael Berger
Scenic Designer: Lauren Mills
Master Electrician: Andrew Leitch
Photos By: Mike Berger/Matt Bialek

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


Production: Moliere, The Learned Ladies
Boston University CFA
Director: Jason King Jones
Lighting Designer: Jay Zawacki
Actors: Chelsea Kurtz (Left), Lizzie Bassett (Back), Amanda Mason (Right)
Colors Used: R27 and R79

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler
Produced on Valentine's Day 2011
Lighting Designer: Skyler Broughman
Director: Daniel Ellis
Actresses featured (in order of appearance):
Nikki Eaker
Rachel Cave
Tamika Sayles

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


R80, R54, R26

Stills from my final project for my intelligent lighting class at Florida State University. The class was taught by Daniel Kimble and the space was the Fallon Theatre.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


The director's vision for the production of "Urinetown: The Musical" at Southwestern College was to present a show with elements of Orwell’s 1984 in mind, but exaggerated into comedy. Images of Gotham city and acid colors, rather than natural, are the ideas which fueled this production. Roscolux 86 (Pea Green) enhanced the sewer scenes, giving the stage a hint of rank humor. This color was introduced with a special from the sewer entrance, and filled in the stage as the location on stage was identified.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


R124-Cyc Silk Red on the cyclorama from both the top and the bottom to highlight Bernardo and Riff's death during the dream.

R382-Congo Blue from a low sidelight angle to portray a dreamlike quality with harsh shadows on the ensemble.

R60-Front light to maintain a pale yet not too cold illumination of the actors. Also used as a downlight and a low front fill.

Gobo R77228 shooting from SL & SR to illuminate the city facade with texture akin to light broken up by fire escapes.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


Proof- The Originals, Bar Mills, Maine.
R36 from Stage right
R06 from Stage left

Colors Used:

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