Color Resource Gallery


This is a picture of the set from Antigone, one of the RMHS Drama Club's winter shows.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


In our performance of Antigone, we went for a more modern-day theme, starting in Ancient Greece and ending in an area with a lot of homeless or poor people, who were the greek chorus. We used our general RGB on the cyc, and R02/R60 on the 12 areas we had hung. We also used blues, purples, and ambers as downlight, as well as star strobes to create the time-travel effect.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


We did the production of Charlie and the Chocolate factory. This picture show all of the gels, photo one is when thy first enter factory and best displays the use of the use of upstage and downstage light.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


This photo is during the end of the concert for the end of the year. I needed an even spread of color so I decided to go with these two colors in order to get a good two color separation.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


The director wanted this scene to be very intimate and close, so only center-stage was lit. A mix of R2 and R60 provided the front lighting, though this was kept low so as not to wash out the other fixtures. From the back, two specials with and four fresnels with R120 provided a nice red wash, and the light from the specials really brought out the color of the sacks. R80 in striplights provided light from above, with R82 providing a slightly lighter backlight.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


I codesigned this kabuki production of Antigone with my lighting mentor. We created a color concept that used white frontlight and 4 saturated Rosco colors for top, sides, and patterns. The red (R26) and yellow (R12) tops helped to portray the environment of feudal Japan while the green (R96) and blue (R80) sides represented the original Greek source for the text, and the contrast between the lighter and darker color worked well for the more ethereal and supernatural scenes.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


(Almost) Full cast picture from the high school production of Legally Blonde.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


For this show, we kept it basic, because of time constraints. We used our basic rep plot, which consisted of 12 areas and blue and amber on 2 electrics. We used R02 on the areas, and basic RGB on the cyc to create a variety of colors.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka's play “The Beatification of Area Boy” presents a kaleidoscopic view of Lagos, a poverty-stricken city projected to become one of the world’s largest cities in the coming decade. Set after after the 1990s oil boom during the displacement of Nigerian poor by the corrupt government, the play follows a Lagos street gangster, Sanda, who acts as a modern-day Robin Hood and is the leader of the local area boys. Act One begins with a "blood red" sunrise from the smouldering remains of a shanty town fire & massacre the night before.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


For The Crucible I was going for a mysterious dark look during the night, but a hot but still mysterious look during the day, and colors that would help bring out the colors on the set.

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