Color Resource Gallery


Sarah Ruhl's Passion Play takes place in three acts, in three separate time periods, in three separate places. Because of this, the play took on three separate visual and theatrical styles, which were set apart largely by the use of color on my part. In order to do this I needed distinct, saturated colors to set each act apart in addition to a core plot of relatively unsaturated colors that could be versatile enough to use in all three by working with these saturated colors to create some variety within each act.

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Color Resource Gallery


Performers are playing in silhouette with the orange/yellow background to convey a sense of the sun setting. The overhead was provided by having not only the color but Opal and Grid Cloth.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


The dancer is struggling with the ideas of existence.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


Sacramento Jingle Ball, Favorite color to use is always R80.

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Color Resource Gallery


This is from the original production Madness and Lust,based on the book Wutheringg Heights. This is during Catherine and Edgar's wedding as seen by Heathcliff.

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Color Resource Gallery


The stage for our production of No Exit. It's hard to see the orange because of the bad quality camera but in person it looks really cool and hell-like

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


Various photos from my second fully realized lighting design.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


Photos from the MPAC production of Jesus Christ Superstar
Scenic Design: Bill Booth
Lighting Design: Mike Wood
Costume Design: Becky Evans

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


These are production photos from You're a Good Man Charlie Brown. The first one is during the song "Happiness" when Charlie Brown truly begins to understand what happiness means. "Happiness is anyone and anything at all, that's loved by you."
The second photo is the top of the show when all the characters explain what the individually think of Charlie Brown.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


An excerpt from the Pillowman, where the parents make their daughter carry the cross around the living room until her legs buckled.

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